My summer has whisked by. My cute little missionary came home from his LDS mission from England and things have settled down somewhat. But, I have a feeling I'm about ready to take another plunge into a busy life. My eldest daughter is seriously dating a young man and my eldest son has asked for the hand of his girlfriend from her father. They are in Florida right now at the Disneyland resort where he will propose with the help of some staff members.
How do I feel about this? I don't know. I'm not happy and I'm not sad. His girlfriend is a gem and so good for him. But, I feel so. . .weird. I feel like he's not old enough and yet he is twenty three. I feel like he doesn't have enough money yet he has no debt, has a small savings and paid cash for her ring. I feel like he still needs us yet he goes off and handles all of his own issues and makes all of his own decisions most of the time without our ever knowing anything about it until after its done. Thank heavens. I'm totally excited about his moving on with his life and moving out. So, what's wrong? I don't know. Maybe I feel the loss of an era. My family is changing so fast. Missions and marriages are pretty life changing. Things will never be the same. And yet, there's more to it. Anyone have any thoughts?